
Similar or identical trade marks

The recent case of Fonterra Brands (Tip Top Investments) Ltd v Tip Top Restaurant Ltd [2012] BCL 86, illustrates that an attempt to register a trade mark in respect of certain goods and services that are similar or identical to an already existing trade mark will be declined registration, in accordance with section 25 of [...]

April 1st, 2012|Categories: Legal Developments|Tags: |

Improvement in credit reporting laws

On 1st April 2012, new credit reporting laws come into effect which not only give credit providers more access to an individuals credit records, but will also strengthen protection for consumers against identity fraud. Reporting laws will shift from a “negative” system, which recorded only defaults and bankruptcies, to a “positive” system where records of [...]

April 1st, 2012|Categories: Legal Developments|Tags: |